July 2023

HwH is the Premier Accredited Center in Northern Arizona

Harnessing the proven benefits of therapeutic horsemanship, Horses with Heart (HwH)is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in Chino Valley, AZ. We help transform the lives of disabled children and adults, U.S. military veterans, first responders, and seniors as they gain confidence, dignity, and independence by riding our trained horses under the direction of highly-credentialed staff.

Happy Fourth of July from HORSES with HEART!

Horses with Heart’s 30th Anniversary Celebration Recap

Our 30th Anniversary Celebration was a huge success!  What a great turnout of volunteers, staff, and community, along with past riders and even volunteers who were there in the early days of our wonderful organization.  We had over 300 guests, not including our volunteers who manned tables and stations throughout the day.  Special thanks to the Wednesday Maintenance Crew and the 4H for their participation.  I can’t forget the youth community service group and Heather for giving our place a fresh look and getting us weed free, at least until the monsoons!  We had some great donations to help with our event, including our local Safeway, Home Depot, and Haymaker Restaurants.  Juli with Yavapai Broadcasting Company was there to broadcast live on KKLD and KVRD stations, and what a big help that was getting the word out to all their listeners!  I would like to recognize Idea Karma, Hay Plus Farms, Alvarez Tire Chino Valley store, Statue-Esque, We Organize You, Command Roofing, and Double H Leather for making this live broadcast possible through their generosity and sponsorship. 

Thank you everyone for your time and personal contributions to make this a very special and successful event and hopefully, good memories for the many old and new friends who joined us.  We can all take a day off and relax now.  At least, until we start gearing back up again for the Barrel Race and Sequins & Saddles!  Looking forward to working with you all again.  God bless you for your passion and dedication to Horses with Heart. 

Obstacle Clinic on August 12th

Horse Leader Training

We will be holding a Horse Leader Training on July 29th from 11am to 1pm for all volunteers who have gone through Safety Support Team Training and are interested in brushing up on their Horse Leader skills or in becoming a Horse Leader. If you would like to attend this training, please email Chelsea.

 New Program Starting in August

Horses with Heart is starting a new program called Equine Assisted Learning, EAL, for short. This is an unmounted (non-riding) program.  The focus of these “classes” is on life skills that will transfer to everyday life.  Developing self-awareness, self-confidence, communication skills, social skills, and problem-solving skills are emphasized.

Each session will be five weeks long, following the same schedule as our riding sessions.  We will start our first EAL group the week of August 14th.  Stay tuned for more details. Questions?  Contact Jan Grise at 928-533-9178 or to email by clicking the button below.

Marvelous Mini June Recap

The Marvelous Mini Program was busy in June! We made a visit to Avista Senior Living in Prescott on June 6th. We have visited this facility in the past, but there was a change in ownership. A new Activities Director came on board, and she began hearing from the residents that they wanted the miniature horses to come back! So, she found us, and we went back.

On June 16th we hosted a group of 16 kids, ages 8 to 15, at the ranch. They were attending Camp Genesis, a camp for children of incarcerated parents. We had five minis and made sure each child had 20 minutes to spend one-on-one with a mini. We gave them a facilities tour and introduced them to the big horses. This was an absolutely wonderful mini program! We had 15 magnificent volunteers and, of course, the five MARVELOUS minis!

We trekked to Camp Verde for the Parks & Rec summer camp on June 21st. The 42 kids learned about miniature horses, had some hands-on time with four minis- and they even had made horse cookies for the minis! Thank you, Trudy Chapman-Radley, for bringing her mini, Rose, to join in the program!

Rocky was a star at our 30th Anniversary event, giving out kisses in the kissing booth. He also stopped by the office to say “hi!” to everyone.

Volunteer Orientation August 5th

Are you interested in Volunteering at Horses with Heart? We still have spots available in our orientation on August 5th at 8:30am! If you’d like to learn about helping our riders during their classes, make sure to sign up for Safety Support Team (SST) training as well! Visit the following link to sign up:

Riding & Driving Session 4 Begins the Week of August 14th

HwH has two more sessions in 2023, Sesson 4 and Session 5.  Session 4 begins the week of August 14th with Therapeutic Riding Classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Silver Saddle classes will be held primarily on Mondays.

Silver Carriage classes will be held on Wednesdays starting at 12:00 pm. If you are interested in enrolling in any of these classes, please contact Jan Grise at 928-533-9178 or email by clicking the button below.

Horse Show News from 6/24/23

 Although it was a little warm, it was still a great day for a horse show and wrap-up to the CVEP 2023 Buckle Series.  The HwH Team showed up, and as always, proved what you can do if you put your mind to it!  We’re very proud of all our riders for their hard work and sportsmanship this season.  Congratulations to Jeremy Owens for winning the EQWD Division Champion buckle and to Sabrina Sauter for winning Reserve Champion.  

Volunteer of the Month ~ Robert Franco

Rob is a dedicated member of our wonderful Wednesday work crew, helping to make sure the ranch keeps running smoothly! Rob also came to HwH over the winter to help with our facility upgrade projects. Thanks, Rob, for all you do at Horses with Heart!

Q & A

1.     How long have you been with Horses with Heart?

Going on three years.

2.     Why do you volunteer at Horses with Heart?

Being semi-retired, I was looking for something to do to give back. Wanted to try something different from what I did in my working career, and ended up at HwH.

3.     What is your favorite memory or moment at Horses with Heart? 

My favorite memory is how I got here. My wife, Teresa, heard about HwH and signed up for an orientation meeting. I decided to tag along and see what it was all about. I walked in the door and was handed a form to fill out and before I knew it I was a side walker and then a coach. 

4.     If you could share one thing with new volunteers, what would that be?

I never worked around horses and here I am. If you’re not sure how you fit in, try different things. You’ll find that you fit in somewhere. I am now part of a maintenance team and enjoy it.

Horse of the Month ~ Casey

A recent addition to our herd, this charming Quarterhorse gelding was donated by Duane and Cindy Watkins.  In his previous life he was a cow horse and roper.  He has quickly settled in to the HwH routine, and we are happy to have him be part of our team!

2023 Horse Sponsors

The cost to support a horse, much less feed a herd, has gone through the barn roof. HwH strives to give our horses the best possible care while reducing overhead, and is reaching out for hay donations. The Dana Renee Mills Trust (Red Ribbon Ceremony at our 30th Anniversary Celebration) donation built a hay shed to store and protect more hay. Pam Berry, Operations Director, evaluates monthly feed and supplement usage cost. Olsen’s Grain generously gives us a discount. Our herd members are reviewed for cost effectiveness to our program. During this summer’s Session 3, half of our herd have gone to their summer foster homes (thank you, summer fosters!).

All these interventions help with cost containment, but our horses still need financial support this season. Can you help? Pony sponsorships are $250 a session, and horse sponsorships $500. Contact Bill Waddell to support your favorite horse or pony.

Mark Your Calendars for our Volunteer Events!

Our Wranglr Hours Luncheon will be held on Friday, August 4th, at Grace Church in Chino Valley and will cost $20 per person. The menu includes BBQ pork sandwiches, salad, chips, and dessert. We will also hold a silent auction where Wranglr hours will be the bidding power, so make sure all your volunteer time is logged! Please RSVP and pay by July 28th, either on the RSVP sheet in the office or by emailing Chelsea. If you have items to donate for the silent auction, please bring them into the office by July 28th!

We have two additional Volunteer Events for 2023:

  • September 20th: tacos and ice cream sundaes at the Ranch, 11:30am

  • December 9th: Volunteer Appreciation Lunch at First Southern Baptist Church, 11:30am

Keep your eye out for more information about these events in future newsletters!

Blue Ribbon Moments

Please join us in recognizing the following volunteers who were nominated by their peers for going above and beyond at Horses with Heart! A new winner is chosen each week that we are in session, so make sure to nominate your fellow volunteers!

  • Week of May 29th Winner: Butch Pederson

  • Week of June 5th Winner: Jan Bailey

Barrel Race

We are getting excited for the 8th Annual Have a Heart Barrel Race and Poles to be held on September 30, 2023. 

Recently, we received news that the Arizona Quarter Horse Association has agreed to be our saddle sponsor again this year, so we will be purchasing a gift certificate from Corriente Saddle Company. The winner will choose their own saddle to fit them and their horse. It will have a plate on the cantle commemorating the 8th Annual Barrel Race and AZQHA as the sponsor.

Over the next couple of weeks, we will be mailing our sponsorships letters asking for support for our race. We have a wonderful donor who supports us each year but, as always, the more the better. If you know companies or individuals who might be a sponsor, please contact Bonnie Moreau or Kris Vollrath, or pick up a sponsorship letter in the office.

This year our Silent Auction will include baskets of all types, and there will also be two or three nice raffle items. If you are interested in gathering items for a basket, please contact our Silent Auction coordinator, Janice Shanks. 

Donations can be brought to the HwH office or mailed to PO Box 2427, Chino Valley, AZ 86323. Donations can also be made via our website.  Please indicate that the donation is for the Barrel Race!

For event registration, visit SaddleBook.com. If you have inquiries about registration, please contact Shyan Ingrao.

Olsen’s Grain is a big supporter of Horses with Heart and our race, providing the arena, registration, announcer, advertising, and so much more. When you have feed-store needs, please shop at Olsen’s and thank them for their support. 

Sequins and Saddles 2023

Sponsorships are available now for Sequins and Saddles 2023! Please contact Angelique LeVell if you are interested.

Thank you to the businesses and individuals thus far who are sponsoring this great event!

Auction Item Donor:

  • Gunsite

Diamond Sponsors:

  • Celtic Windmill Trucking

  • Findlay Subaru

  • High Desert Buildings and Barns

  • Mike and Lee Cohn

  • Glenn and Shari Daiutolo

  • Zip and Lisa Lucidi

Gold Sponsors:

  • Drill Tech

  • Fann Contracting

  • Tonia Fortner

Silver Sponsors:

  • Frontier Financial of Arizona

  • Helen Collins

Bronze Sponsor:

  • Farmers Insurance, Jeff Champ Agency

Turquoise Sponsors:

  • Arizona Horse Connection

  • Arizona Quarter Horse Association

  • Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Chino Valley Equestrian Association

  • National Snaffle Bit Association

  • Olsen’s Grain

  • Tom’s Print and Signs

Event Coordinator for Sequins and Saddles

This November 11th, Horses with Heart will be celebrating the 2023 Sequins & Saddles Benefit Gala.  The event is our largest fundraiser of the year with all proceeds going to support our therapeutic riding program, the Veterans, active Military and First Responders program, the HwH Competition Team, the Marvelous Minis outreach program and our new Equine Assisted Learning and Mental Health program. 

In years past, we have been fortunate to have talented event coordinators to organize, recruit and direct the many steps it takes to produce a successful evening of music, great food and of course, the much anticipated silent and live auctions.  Unfortunately, this year we are still looking for that individual or individuals to fill this position.  Are you that person?  This is a paid position with the bonus of a percentage of all auction sales over $10,000.  We are certainly open to negotiating with the right person. 

Some of the planning has already begun, and the bulk of this position will be in soliciting and securing gift items for both auctions.  Are you looking for an opportunity to shop?  Do you have the gift of gab?  Are you wanting to “give back” to a great organization like Horses with Heart?  Here is an exceptional opportunity to get paid to introduce business owners, civic associations, friends, and family to the amazing story of Horses with Heart and the everyday miracles we have all witnessed as volunteers.

Please give this offer some thought.  It will require time every week until the event, but we have a willing staff to answer questions and a committee that is forming to work with you.  And remember, it’s all over on November 12th!  All that is left to do is reap the praises for a job well done!

Please contact Lisa Lucidi at 858-208-8239 or through email by clickng the button below. if you have questions or are interested in the position.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Where to Find HwH News?


Around Our Center

It was a crazy couple of weeks getting ready for our 30th Anniversary and I (Pam) am so thankful for all of you who went the extra mile helping to get our facility into tip-top shape.  Weeds were pulled, grass was mowed, buildings were painted, signs were hung, grounds were raked, horses were groomed and so much more!  THANK YOU ALL!

Now that summer is here and Session 3 begins, just a few reminders:

  • Stay hydrated, but be sure to pick up those water bottles when you leave.  

  • Take a rest in the shade when you need to.

  • If you notice a horse is not acting as they normally do, please let Pam (or someone in the office) know right away.  They can be affected by the heat too.

Since we are cutting back a bit on classes this session, some of our horses are taking short vacations.  Don't worry: Jazz, Stumpy, Lena, Chili, and Frankie will be back in August, just in time for Session 4.  But the rest of the herd will be happy to have your attention when you can be there.

Thanks again for all you do in caring for our herd and facility.  Have a great summer!

  • July 1st ~ Frontier Days Parade, Downtown Prescott

  • July 19th ~ Round Pen Clinic at HwH

  • July 26th ~ Round Pen Clinic at HwH

  • July 29th ~ Horse Leader Training at HwH, 10:00am-1:00pm

  • August 4th ~ Volunteer/Wranglr Hours Luncheon at Grace Church, 11:30 am

  • August 5th ~ Volunteer Orientation and SST training, 8:30 am

  • August 9th ~ Round Pen Clinic at HwH

  • August 12th ~ Obstacle Clinic at HwH

  • August 14th ~ Session 4 Begins (Therapeutic Riding, Veterans, Silver Saddle, Silver Carriage)

  • August 14th ~ Equine Assisted Learning Program Begins

  • September 2nd ~ Competition Team Fall Season Begins

  • September 20th ~ Volunteer Lunch at Horses with Heart, 11:30am

  • September 30th ~ Have a Heart Barrel Race

  • November 10th ~ Volunteer of the Year Nominations Due

  • November 11th ~ Sequins and Saddles

  • December 9th ~ Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon


From donations to sponsorships to SHOPPING for holidays, birthdays or weddings you can make a difference for others and Horses with Heart.