“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Donate to Horses with Heart
EIN 86-0735678 I Arizona Tax Credit QCO Code: 20347
Horses with Heart is where individuals with disabilities, veterans, and first responders experience the healing power of the horse to gain confidence, increase independence and improve social skills with the support of caring and credentialed instructors and dedicated volunteers. Your donations help us keep our class fees low and continuing providing services to those in our community.
Join our Monthly Giving Club
Herd of Hearts is a compassionate community of monthly donors dedicated to supporting the life-changing therapeutic horsemanship programs at Horses with Heart. By joining Herd of Hearts, you become part of a special group of individuals committed to making a lasting impact on the lives of people with special needs through the power of equine therapy. Becoming a member is easy and impactful. Your monthly gift, no matter the size, ensures that Horses with Heart can continue to provide transformative experiences to those who need it most.
Tax Credit Information
Your donation dollars to Horses with Heart do more than help our special needs riders—they can benefit you, too! That’s because HwH is a qualifying charity in the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Program. Tax credits are dollar-for-dollar cuts in your state tax liability: donate $938, for example, and you could cut your tax bill by $938. Under Arizona law, your dollar-for-dollar tax credit could be up to $470 for a single person, $938 for a married couple filing jointly in 2024. Be sure to consult your tax advisor to see how your HwH donation can benefit you.
Other Ways to Donate
Prefer not to donate online? Donations can be mailed to: Horses with Heart PO Box 2427 Chino Valley, AZ 86323