Why They Give
“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.”
Mike Olsen, president of Olsen’s Grain, Inc., explains why his family and company have been one of HwH’s strongest supporters since we began in 1993.
The people and programs—that’s what keeps Olsen’s Grain involved with Horses with Heart. Going all the way back to Founder Vicki Stuart and Trudy Chapman-Radley, the first executive director, and Pam Berry, current operations director… these are great people whose programs help the special needs community.
As a company and as a family, we’ve always supported activities that we believe are vital to our community. The nature of HwH really fits who we are and what we do, because of the horse connection.
A few years ago, we started donating the use of our arena (next to our Chino Valley location) to a select number of groups whose work we support. That’s how we came to host the HwH “Have a Heart” Barrel Race in 2017 through 2022.
But week in and week out, it’s the everyday horseback riding experience that matters most. I see the kids get such a thrill out of being on top of a horse and making that connection with an animal that helps their whole demeanor and the problems they’re dealing with. To any business or individual considering getting involved with Horses with Heart, I offer our own philosophy: to select and support organizations that are truly worthwhile; this make us a better community. Horses with Heart, for us, is certainly one of those.
Olsen’s Grain Chino Valley
344 S. Hwy 89
Chino Valley, Arizona 86323
Matt Singer, manager of Antelope Lanes in Prescott Valley, explains his support for HwH’s biggest annual fundraiser, the Bowl-A-Thon.
Antelope Lanes Bowling Center has been proud to host the Bowl-A-Thon every year, and I’ve been proud to be a part of it for several years. Helping raise funds for Horses with Heart is simply a great cause, great for the community, and we’re very committed to giving back.
Personally, I like knowing that our donation of the whole bowling center (if the turnout warrants) enables the people—the riders—who need help to get it. Yes, we do lose some revenue, but that’s outweighed by the benefit. Plus, we get some great exposure and awareness through promotions for the Bowl-A-Thon.
To other businesses considering supporting HwH, I say: do it! You’ll reach new clients or customers and create tremendous goodwill at the same time. It’s a win-win that we plan on continuing for years to come.
Antelope Lanes
6301 E. 2nd Street
Prescott Valley, Arizona