Photo Credits: Horses with Heart
Findlay Subaru Prescott Presents Donation Check to Horses with Heart
In a heartwarming demonstration of community support, Findlay Subaru Prescott proudly announces its contribution of $19,000 to Horses with Heart of Chino Valley.
This generous donation is part of Subaru’s renowned Share the Love event, an initiative aimed at giving back to communities across the nation.
The $19,000 donation underscores the dealership’s dedication to supporting local organizations that make a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and families.
Horses with Heart, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing therapeutic riding programs for individuals with physical, emotional, and developmental challenges, including veterans, was selected as one of the beneficiaries of this year’s Share the Love campaign by Findlay Subaru Prescott. The donation will directly contribute to the organization’s efforts to enhance the well-being and quality of life of its participants through equine-assisted activities and therapies.
“We are honored to support Horses with Heart through Subaru’s Share the Love event,” said Jason Jenkins, General Manager of Findlay Subaru Prescott. “Their dedication to improving the lives of individuals in our community, especially our veterans, aligns perfectly with Subaru’s commitment to making a positive impact. We are grateful for the opportunity to contribute to such a meaningful cause.”
The $19,000 donation was made possible through the support of local Subaru customers who purchased a new Subaru vehicle during the Share the Love event, which takes place late November through the New Year, who selected Horses with Heart as their hometown charity of choice. Their generosity underscores the spirit of community that thrives in Prescott and reflects the collective commitment to making a difference in the lives of others.
Representatives from Findlay Subaru Prescott and Horses with Heart will be in attendance to celebrate the partnership and express gratitude for the generosity of Subaru customers and the local community.
For more information about Findlay Subaru Prescott’s community involvement and Subaru’s Share the Love event, please visit or contact Kara Hartman, Marketing Director.
About Findlay Subaru Prescott
Findlay Subaru Prescott is a premier Subaru dealership serving Prescott, Arizona, and the surrounding areas. Committed to providing exceptional customer service and supporting local communities, Findlay Subaru Prescott offers a wide selection of new and pre-owned Subaru vehicles and maintains a strong presence in philanthropic initiatives.
About Horses with Heart: Horses with Heart of Chino Valley is a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing the physical, emotional, and developmental well-being of individuals, including veterans, through therapeutic riding programs. By harnessing the unique bond between humans and horses, Horses with Heart of Chino Valley empowers participants to overcome challenges and achieve personal growth and fulfillment.
Have a Heart Barrel Race and Poles
Planning has already started for the 9th Annual Barrel Race and Poles, which will be held on September 28th - always a fun event held at Olsen’s arena in Chino Valley. The next committee meeting is in May. Contact Horses with Heart at 928-533-9178 if you would like to help with this super fun event to raise funds for the many programs and horses at Horses with Heart.
Save the Date ~ Sequins and Saddles
Planning for Sequins and Saddles is well underway and will take many hands. If you are interested in joining the committee, please contact the Horses with Heart office at 928-533-9178. The next committee meeting is scheduled for May 17th at 10:00 am.
Keep an eye out for more details about this event!
Volunteer of the Month – Teresa Franco
How long have you been with Horses with Heart? I have been with Horses with Heart three years.
Why do you volunteer at Horses with Heart? I volunteer for others, which in turn gives me a good feeling. Volunteering at Horses with Heart takes my mind off the day-to-day problems of life. It brings me joy!
What is your favorite memory or moment at Horses with Heart? Last year I worked on a Safety Support Team, and it always amazed me from one session to the next the change in the riders. They become more confident and stronger.
If you could share one thing with new volunteers, what would that be? I would say you might learn something new about yourself. Helping others can give you a good feeling.
Horse of the Month ~ AJ
AJ has been with Horses with Heart for just a few short months, but he has proven to have a wonderful spirit for the work that we do. From Non-Mounted Horsemanship to Therapeutic Riding, AJ takes care of our participants with his calm, gentle demeanor. In his spare time, he loves hanging out with his buddies, Meiko and Swifty. AJ is generously leased to us by his mom, Sarah, from Maricopa. Let's hear it for AJ!
Second Session Starting This Month
Horses with Hearts Session One had a great start this year despite some weather challenges. Our participants learned many new skills and had fun in the process. Our programs included Therapeutic/Adaptive Riding Lessons, Equine Assisted Learning experiences, Veterans classes, Silver Saddle classes, and the introduction of our successful Non-mounted Horsemanship classes.
HwH's Session Two begins the week of May 13th. For more information and to register, please contact our Program Director, Clarissa Donnelly, at or 928-533-9178.
Volunteer Appreciation Week
Lots of fun! From folding and distributing bandanas and handing out rider cards, all had a fun time celebrating Volunteer Appreciation Week! If you didn’t get your bandana, stop by the office!
Successful Tack Sale!
Thank you to the many volunteers who made April’s Appaloosa Meadows Tack Sale successful. All the funds raised at these sales goes towards Horses with Heart’s therapeutic programs. Keep an eye out for the next sale!
Marvelous Mini Update
On March 27, Marvelous Minis Rocky, Liberty, Brady, and Frosty visited Territorial Early Childhood Center’s special resource class. The students and staff were amazing! They all loved the minis. The boy sitting behind the glass door didn’t get to come outside with the minis since he is allergic to horses - so the minis went to him at the door. Unfortunately we had to blur his face, but he had the biggest smile! Thank you to Patti Morabito for taking the wonderful pictures from this event.
On April 9th we were scheduled to visit Evergreen Village assisted living. Due to our hauler having a family emergency, we found ourselves without anyone to haul minis. Dusty Spitler to the rescue! With barely an hour's notice, Dusty had her mini mare, Sadie, loaded into her trailer and off we went to see the appreciative folks at Evergreen! Thank you, Dusty and Sadie!
On April 18 the minis went to the Pinwheel Party in Prescott Valley put on by the organization Prevent Child Abuse. Liberty, Frosty, Brady, and Rocky garnered lots of attention. Even the bikers succumbed to the cuteness!
Needs around the Ranch
We are looking for a 2-3 horse slant trailer. If you have one you would be willing to part with, please reach out to Clarissa Donnelly at
Horses with Heart now has an Amazon wishlist! Visit this link to support Horses with Heart by donating supplies that we need.
Reminders around the Ranch:
Several of our horses are adept in opening their pens, so please always chain and latch the pens.
Although we are trying to keep the weeds down, please do not let the horses graze on the weeds. It is much easier to prevent them from eating the weeds than to get them to stop after they have started.
Parade News
The Horses with Heart Prescott Frontier Days Parade entry is well underway - and wait to see what the team came up with this year! Would you like to help purchase decorations? Donations of decorations can be purchased through our Amazon Registry. If you would like to help decorate the entry and be in the parade, look for an email later this month to sign up!
Blue Ribbon Moments
Horses with Heart has a volunteer appreciation program called Blue Ribbon Moments. We want to recognize all the great day-to-day accomplishments of our volunteers. Nomination cards are located in the office, so when you see a fellow volunteer who is going above and beyond, please write down their name and drop it in the container. We will hold a drawing each Friday, and the winner will receive a $5 gift card to Starbucks or Overflow Coffee.
Week of March 25th: Winner: Pam Coulter
Week of April 1: Winner: Mike Zenner
Week of April 8th: Winner: Laura Jaramillo
Week of April 15th: Mary Graves
Upcoming New Volunteer Orientations & SST Trainings
May 1st at 10:00 am
June 6 at 3:00pm - Orientation and Safety Support Training
July 8 at 1:00pm - Orientation
August 3 at 8:30am - Orientation and Safety Support Training
To register, please contact Sherry Hoover at or 928-533-9178.
Wranglr Assistance
Wranglr, our volunteer timekeeping system, is crucial for recording our volunteer hours. This is vitally important because our submitted hours help HwH qualify for grants and donations. Secondly, volunteers also receive some fun benefits. If you need assistance with Wranglr, please contact Annette DeMarco at or 408-210-3259.
Wranglr Luncheon
What is one of the fun benefits of logging your volunteer hours? It gives you extra bidding power at the Wranglr Luncheon’s Raffle! Look for the signups later this month for our summer 2024 luncheon! We will be serving BBQ hot dogs, hamburgers and sides on June 26th at 11:00am in the covered arena. We will also be converting your Wranglr hours into the opportunity to win raffle items! PS: If you would like to donate any gently used or new Western or “horsy” items, please bring them to the office no later than 05/31/24. Thanks!
Relay For Life Fundraiser
The Mission of Relay for Life, the American Cancer Society's most successful fundraiser and signature event is to raise funds to improve cancer survival, decrease the incidence of cancer, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their caretakers.
On April 20th Alyce Toombs hosted a Paint Night fundraiser for Team Dignity Health YRMC Relay for Life. The Paint Night was attended by HwH volunteers Dwayne and Ally Toombs, HwH Board Members Mary Smith, Gloria Reid, Bonnie Moreau, and HwH Volunteer Coordinator and Instructor Sherry Hoover.
This was a wonderful event in support of the American Cancer Society.
Calendar of Events
May 1st ~ Volunteer Orientation & SST Training, 10:00 am
May 4th ~ Horse Show at CVEP
May 13th - June 17th ~ Session 2 Mounted & Unmounted Classes
June 1st ~ Horse Show at CVEP
June 8th ~ Beach Party at HwH
July 6th ~ Prescott Frontier Days Parade
July 26th ~ Wranglr Luncheon
September 28th ~ Have a Heart Barrel Race and Poles at Olsen’s Grain
October 12th ~ Sequins and Saddles at Horses with Heart
Where to Find HwH News?
HwH website
Newsletter HwH Connection – published monthly
Wranglr emails for HwH volunteers
Social Happenings HwH Friends