May 2022

HwH is the Premier Accredited Center in Northern Arizona

Harnessing the proven benefits of therapeutic horsemanship, Horses with Heart (HwH) helps transform the lives of disabled children and adults—including U.S. military veterans—as they gain confidence, dignity and independence by riding our trained horses under the direction of highly-credentialed staff.

Competition Team Participates at CVEP Horse Show    

Another great event for the HwH Competition Team, April 23rd at the CVEP Buckle Series Horse Show.  The day was a bit breezy but our riders and horses were up to the challenge.  Not all our team members were able to participate but a big shout out to Chris Kavanaugh, Michelle Sullivan, Crystal Brown, Jeremy Owens and Nikolas Coleman for their hard work and OUTSTANDING horsemanship.  We also want to congratulate Kris Vollrath (HwH Veteran rider) for making her first appearance with the HwH Team. 

You are all invited to come out and cheer us on at the next CVEP event on May 21st at Chino Valley Equestrian Park.  We hope to have the full team in action as well as some more of our Veteran and Silver Saddle riders participating. 

Photos provided by KLR Photography

Volunteer of the Month ~ Jackie Boyd

Having been introduced to Horses with Heart by his daughter, Anna, it didn’t take long before Jackie literally became the “Jack of all trades”. Not only did Jackie begin riding in the Veteran’s class, he soon learned how to apply his skills to help on the ground as Safety Support in therapeutic classes. Gradually taking on more responsibilities, Jackie demonstrated talents in a number of areas that supported not only our classes, but our horses, facility, and staff. Jackie is now a Class Assistant and a Mounting/Dismounting Assistant in therapeutic classes. He regularly feeds the herd, grooms the arena by tractor, and makes manure dump runs to the rancher who loves our muck. Additionally, he keeps his eyes open for possible grants to help support our mission.

In March, Jackie and Veteran teammate, Kris Vollrath, represented Horses with Heart at the NASB Heroes on Horses at Westworld, Scottsdale. Having experienced the area of competition, Jackie is setting his sights on more competitions in the future. His love for his family, his country, and Horses with Heart show his deep passion and love. These qualities make him an outstanding choice for Volunteer of the Month!


  1. How long have you been with Horses with Heart?

    I have been a volunteer since September 1, 2020. My daughter, Anna, got me involved, and I spent my first session just learning how everything worked and the vocabulary. 

  2. Why do you volunteer at Horses with Heart?

    I volunteer because I always want to be teachable, and I love learning new things. I feel like every time I come to the ranch I learn something new, and I really like that. I see the wonderful benefits for others and also for myself that HWH provides in a lot of unique ways and if I can help someone have a better quality of life by volunteering, it’s all worth it.

  3. What is your favorite memory or moment at Horses with Heart?  

    My favorite memory is when I was a sidewalker, and we had been trying to get a little girl in class to speak up and say "Walk On". She had a lot of special needs and challenges, but by the end of class she finally said the words, “Walk On”, and everyone in class cheered for her. It was so special that it inspired me to write the poem "Walk On".

  4. If you could share one thing with new volunteers, what would that be?

    I would tell a new volunteer that HwH is a great place to try new things even if you have never done it before, because there are a lot of patient people here who have lots of experience and they understand where you are skill-wise, and they will help you learn great things. Just be patient and persistent, you will get it. 

“Walk On”

A Thank You to everyone involved with Horses with Heart.
By Jackie Boyd

If life dealt you a disability
that seems like an impossibility
“Walk On”

If you think you are too old to ride
And everything hurts on the outside
“Walk On”

If you are a side walker
And you don’t get to be a talker
“Walk On”

If you are not here to ride
And you are a Mom or Dad watching from the side
“Walk On”

If you no longer have a memory
And you are overloaded with sensory
“Walk On”

If you scoop poop or drag a bale
Or just organize the mail

“Walk On”

 If the memories of war
Are too much to ignore

“Walk On”

If you teach and guide
And tear up a little on the inside
“Walk On”

From the youngest to the oldest
From the timid to the boldest
Through the struggles and the strife
A gift from God is that a
Horse walks us through life
“Walk On”

Feeding, Watering, and Mucking – The THREE Vital Needs

If you’re interested in being part of this vital team, please contact Deborah Thomas by clicking one of the button below.

Thanks again for all your support. You truly do bless our equine partners!

Session 2 Lessons Begin Week of May 2nd

Over 70 Participants are registered for lessons in Session 2. These include classes for therapeutic riders, Competition Team riders, Veterans, and Silver Saddle. We have a significant waiting list for Sessions 3 and 4. This is a wonderful response to the benefits of riding at Horses with Heart.

We invite you to come observe our classes. Even better, we invite you to come volunteer to help us with our classes and supporting duties that all add up to wonderful experiences for our participants. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Jan Grise by clicking one of the buttons below.

PATH Intl. Certified Therapeutic Instructors Wanted

With HwH’s growing therapeutic riding program, we need more certified Instructors. If you or someone you know is interested in pursuing this rewarding life journey where miracles happen every day, please contact Jan Grise, Riding Director at Horses with Heart by clicking one of the buttons below.

Marvelous Minis (aka Unicorns) Make a Grand Appearance

The Marvelous Minis made an appearance at Granville Elementary School in Prescott Valley on April 5th as unicorns!  After our skit, the students summoned the unicorns with rainbows, stars, sparkles, fairies and bubbles!  We had unicorn books to read as well as puzzles to put together, and, of course, each student was able to get up close and personal with the minis as they each took a turn at grooming.

(Photos: KLR Photography)

Happy Hearts Rodeo – June 30th

This special event is just around the corner. Horses with Heart has teamed up with Prescott Frontier Days for the 20th year. HwH’s horses and rodeo-style events for exceptional children ages 5-12 has always been an exciting time for the children and a heartfelt experience for our volunteers. We need approximately 25 HwH volunteers to help with this event. Sign up is first come, first served.  A signup sheet will be posted in the office by the middle of May. If you want to know more about this fun event, ask Jan Grise, the Instructors, or our mentor volunteers.

Coming soon, to an arena near you . . .

After many months in the making, Horses with Heart will soon be the home of a PATH Certified Therapeutic Driving Program.  Our Board of Directors vice-president and Silver Saddle instructor, Lisa Lucidi, is completing her certification and credentialing for a PATH Intl. Driving Instructor Level I and is planning on scheduling therapeutic driving classes the fourth session later this year.

Carriage driving gives students a riding alternative to those who may be unable to ride due to weight, balance, fatigue, allergies, asthma, fear of heights, the inability to sit astride, or other issues.  It can provide the student with a unique movement experience.  Therapeutic Driving is about imparting knowledge of safety, horses, harnessing and driving skills to children and adults through teamwork.

Knowledgeable, well-trained volunteers are essential to the success of our driving program in countless ways.  A driving lesson will need three trained volunteers plus the certified instructor to meet PATH Intl. standards of safety.  Lessons will be approximately forty-five minutes of driving instruction in addition to the harnessing and unharnessing time.  Only one student and one vehicle per lesson.  Lessons will be during a time when no mounted classes are scheduled, most likely Wednesday afternoons.

Please consider attending the Introduction to Driving and the Therapeutic Driving Volunteer Training Clinic on July 13th, at Horses with Heart.A local icon in carriage driving and training, Gary Gang, will be presenting an introduction to driving talk and demonstration in the morning, followed by a provided lunch and a hands-on presentation of therapeutic driving and volunteer participation. Stay tuned for more information or contact Lisa Lucidi with your questions or comments by clicking one of the buttons below.

Condolences to Trudy and Family

Jim Tatton, Trudy Chapman-Radley’s brother, recently passed. We offer our sincerest condolences to Trudy and her family. If you would like to send her a sympathy card, please contact the HwH office for more details by clicking the button below.

Shadow Joins the Herd

Pam Berry’s own Shadow made his debut and is joining the HwH herd as a therapeutic horse. His gentle nature and a “just right” size make him a great addition. As you can see from his picture, he will even become a unicorn for special little riders.

HwH 30th Anniversary Event 2023 

Our committee is up and running with its first committee meeting March 16th. We had many new and seasoned volunteers with exciting ideas. Stay tuned as the details unfold. Keep your calendars open for this special event in early June, 2023.

  Leather Bracelet for Brownie’s Session 1 Sponsor

Horse Sponsorship Updates

Horses still needing sponsors are Big Ben, Brownie, Chili, Diva, Jewel, Son, and Sunshine.

Ponies still needing sponsors are Jazz and Sam.

TRIVIA FACT: Brownie’s horse shoes are $350. Most horses need new shoes every eight weeks.

Please contact Angelique LeVell if you would like to sponsor one or more of these wonderful ponies and horses.

Horse of the Month ~ Sam

Sam has been a champion horse throughout Session 1.  This Norwegian Fjord horse has filled in a couple times for the team when Ben was not able to be ridden. He has one of the best side pass moves of the HwH herd and has returned to driving after several years off. Sam is also used in therapeutic classes throughout each week. He can do it all. His friendly nature is a natural draw to our riders, making him one of the favorites.

Wranglr Tips

Since we use the volunteer software for keeping track of our volunteer hours, it is important that every volunteer learn to use Wranglr. First watch the tutorials provided in Wranglr. If still unsure how to use the Time Card system, please don’t hesitate to stop in the office for a quick tutorial.

Also, accumulating Wranglr hours has an added benefit. It gives each volunteer “spending power” for our upcoming Volunteer/Wranglr Hours Auction on June 22.

Lone Tree Arena Recognizes HwH

On Saturday, April 23, Lucy’s Bar and Grill had a grand opening of their Lone Tree Arena. They recognized Horses with Heart as a sponsor and donated $300 to HwH. Thank you, Lucy’s Bar and Grill!

Once again, Kim at Lone Tree Arena offered for HwH to be their nonprofit fundraiser for May 21. 25% of liquor sales go to HwH. It will be a day of horses, roping, and barbecue. Enjoy an adult beverage to support HwH. Check it out on your way to, or on your way home from watching the HwH Competition Team compete at CVEP (Chino Valley Equestrian Park). 

Classy Pony Resale Boutique ~ Progress

The cute barn red and white shed arrived on the scene a few weeks ago. It has now been wired for electrical and awaiting inspection. Watch for the interior’s transformation over the near future. Stay tuned for the grand opening TBD.

Gas Card Photo Contest

HwH is gathering candid pictures that capture the day-to-day activities and the special magic that occurs every day at Horses with Heart. If you have picture(s) to share that can be used in our publications, please send them by clicking the button below and attaching the image.

In Loving Memory

Chuck Lynch, a wonderful HwH volunteer from years ago, passed away this week. His memorial service will be on May 12, 10:00 am at the Sunrise Funeral Home in Prescott Valley. His son, Michael Lynch, and other family members request that donations, made in memory of Chuck, be given to his favorite organization, Horses with Heart.

Donations can be mailed to Horses with Heart, PO Box 2427, Chino Valley 86323 or given through PayPal by clicking the button below.

Volunteer Coordinator Position Open

We are currently accepting applications for the Volunteer Coordinator position. A job description is available in the HwH office. Please turn in your application to Angelique LeVell, Executive Director.

Greeters Wanted

Do you love people? Do you want to help direct calls and visitors in HwH’s busy office? Can you volunteer a few hours each week? This important volunteer position is open and can be shared by several volunteers. Please contact Angelique LeVell by clicking one of the buttons below.

Save the Date!!!

7th Annual Have a Heart Barrel Race and Poles
September 24, 2022
Olsen’s Arena, Chino Valley, AZ

Racers from all over the West will be competing in our Have a Heart Barrel Race and Poles. It’s a fun day to come out and cheer them on as they race their horses through the barrel course and the poles. This is our 7th year hosting the best racers in the West.

If you would like to be involved in the planning, fundraising, or on the day of the race please contact Bonnie Moreau by clicking one of the buttons below.


Mark Your Calendars!

Our June Wranglr hours luncheon will be held Wednesday June 22 @ 12pm at the Gurley Street Grill.  Add it to your calendar, and watch for an email from Debi Covington for menu choices and reservation forms. Please get your reservations and money in quickly as we are limited to 60 seats!

Auction items are being accepted in the office for this event. Please donate only very gently used or new items.  If we are blessed with more than we are able to use at this event, we will add to our December event or as auction items for the Barrel Race or for Sequins and Saddles.  As always, we are greatly appreciative for all items donated to help us grow and maintain our mission.

Calendar of Events

  • May 21 ~ CVEP All-Breed Horse Show, Chino Valley Equestrian Park, HwH Competition Team Competing

  • May 28 ~ HwH Beach PArt

  • May 30 ~ HwH closed for Memorial Day                                       

  • June 22 ~ Horsey/Wranglr Hours Luncheon Event (Using Wranglr logged-in volunteer hrs.)

  • June 30 ~ Happy Hearts Rodeo (Note: Thursday)

  • July 2 ~ Frontier Days Parade

  • July 4 ~ HwH closed for Independence Day

  • Summer Clinics

    • July 13 ~ Driving Clinic

    • TBD ~ Trailer Driving Clinic

    • TBD ~ Showing Horses Clinic

    • TBD ~ Disability Education Clinic    

    • TBD ~ Magnawave Demo and Training

  • July 16 ~ Orientation & SST Training, HwH, 2:00 pm

  • September 5 ~ HwH closed for Labor Day                                     

  • September 14 ~ Orientation & SST Training                                   

  • September 24 ~ Have a Heart Barrel Race

  • November 12 ~ Sequins and Saddles                     

  • December 6 ~ Horsey/Wranglr Hours Event & Christmas Luncheon 


From donations to sponsorships to SHOPPING for holidays, birthdays or weddings you can make a difference for others and Horses with Heart.