HwH Welcomes New Staff!
Aireal Dallam
Welcome Aireal Dallam!
Aireal started volunteering at Horses with Heart in the beginning of 2023. She has enjoyed all the amazing team members, the beautiful herd, and most importantly, the lives that are changed for the better by animal engagement, the riders.
She has grown up around horses and began to make their therapeutic abilities more a focus of study in the last few years. This includes being in the final stages of testing for the PATH Int. Certified Therapeutic Riding Instructor accreditation.
Being involved with the special needs community since she was young, this was a natural combination of two worlds. Reading, watching, and writing about the therapeutic capabilities, both quantitively and qualitatively, that animals, and more specifically horses provide, is one of the many joys of working with the special needs community. Aireal is excited to expand this knowledge base to additional communities who can benefit from Horses with Heart’s equine services, such as the senior community, veterans, and the caregivers of our wonderful community.
An Arizona native, Aireal currently lives in Prescott with her husband. With many family members close by and her family’s cattle ranch on the outside of town, Prescott has been the perfect place to call home. Aireal starts her new position as Program Coordinator next month in mid-January.
Welcome Kristina McConnell!
Kristina McConnell is thrilled to join the Horses with Heart team as Facility Manager, bringing a wealth of experience in horse care and facility management. Her background spans years of hands-on work with horses in various capacities, complemented by extensive corporate experience where she excelled in customer relations and collaborated with senior executives. Kristina’s outgoing and personable nature makes her a dynamic addition to the team. Her dedication ensures she’s ready to tackle any challenge with enthusiasm and expertise.
Kristina McConnell
HwH Board of Directors Update
Horses with Heart’s 2025 Board Roster
President: Mike Zenner
Vice President: Robert "RD" Davis
Treasurer: Helen Collins
Secretary: Bonnie Moreau
Director: Pamela Berry
Director: Jonathan King
Director: Dr. Madelyn Melchiors
Director: Sandra Owens
Director: Mary Smith
Director Emeritus: Trudy Chapman-Radley
We would like to welcome four new members to our board:
Pam Berry
Robert “R.D.” Davis
Jonathan King
Sandra Owens
In Loving Memory of Zee
It is with heavy hearts that we said goodbye to Zee on December 7, 2024, at Horses with Heart.
Many volunteers and staff members spent hours on extra special care in an effort to help Zee back to good health, but sadly, it was not to be. For over a decade, Zee touched the lives of many riders and volunteers. We will carry memories of Zee’s kindness, healing, and playfulness with us always. Rest gently, sweet Zee. You are truly one of a kind.
My Poem for Zee
By Kathleen Williams
Dec 8, 2024
When we first met
I sure did not think:
“This horse is so elegant,
So lovely and sleek!”
His coat was just brown,
With a full center streak.
And a few lumps and bumps -
Not the finest physique!
But his eyes were so kind,
His tricks and his spunk,
Soon let me know
This brown horse has pluck!
He did his job well,
At Horses with Heart.
He was kind to each child
It showed he was smart!
He was a good horse,
At least most of the time
But watch out – he’ll get feisty
And untie his own line!
But, then, the next moment
In his eyes you could see
There was no better horse
Than sweet loving Zee.
Our tears falling now,
Will soon be replaced
By a heartwarming memory
Of Zee’s kind, loving face.
Thank you, Zee.

Marvelous Minis December Programs
The Marvelous Minis spread Christmas cheer in December to residents at Ativo Senior Living and at TouchMark at the Ranch Senior Living. They were dressed in their Christmas finery, and on their best behavior because Santa might be watching! The Grinch made an appearance at Ativo and declared all the minis to be honorary cit-equine of Whoville.
All of our participating mini equine (Rocky, Liberty, Brady, Frosty, Tessa, Pirate, Bobbi Sox, Milo, Paisley, Sparky, Katie, Sadie, Piper) and the entire Marvelous Minis Team of volunteers wish all of you a bright and beautiful New Year!
High Desert Buildings and Barns Shed Raffle
High Desert Buildings and Barns has generously donated a shed for a Horses with Heart benefit raffle. Please visit the website below to learn more about the shed and to purchase raffle tickets. All proceeds from this raffle support Horses with Heart. Thank you, High Desert Buildings and Barns, for being such a great supporter of Horses with Heart!
Bowl-a-Thon 2025
The Bowl-a-Thon is BACK AGAIN! This fun event will be held on February 22nd, 2025 at Antelope Lanes in Prescott Valley. All you bowling wonders and amazing strikers, get ready to roll again! Get your team together and start thinking about sponsors and raffle items. Participants, volunteers, and community supporters alike can also raise pledges that provide scholarships for our programs. Please print the attached packet to start collecting pledges!
Are you interested in being part of this great event? Please contact the HwH office at 928-533-9178 to get the scoop on the planning and meeting times.
Veterinarian of the Year: Dr. Madelyn Melchiors, Horses with H.E.A.R.T., Inc., Chino Valley, AZ-PATH Intl. Region 10–Sponsored by American Regent Animal Health makers of Adequan® i.m.
Dr. Madelyn Melchiors Recognized as PATH Intl. Veterinarian of the Year
Congratulations to HwH Board Member, Dr. Madelyn Melchiors, who was recognized as the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH Intl.)’s Veterinarian of the Year! This is an amazing honor, and we are so proud of Dr. Melchiors.
12/14 - From: PATH Intl.: The Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH Intl.) takes great pride in the exceptional credentialed professionals, volunteers, equines, veterinarians, staff, and participants who ensure delivery of, and participate in, high-quality equine-assisted services (EAS) at PATH Intl. Member Centers. PATH Intl. is pleased to announce the winners of the 2024 PATH Intl. awards.
All PATH Intl. award winners were recognized at the PATH Intl. annual meeting held virtually on December 10, 2024. Winners were carefully and thoughtfully selected by a panel of judges who reviewed submissions of all winners from PATH Intl.’s 11 Regions, to award the credentialed professional, equine caretaker, veterinarian, equine, and volunteer of the year winners. The PATH International Equine Services for Heroes® Equestrian, Youth Equestrian, Adult Equestrian, and James Brady Professional Achievement Awards were all selected through a nationwide nomination process.
PATH Intl. CEO Kathy Alm said, “The PATH Intl. awards program is an important way to celebrate the quality, professional, safety-oriented programs delivered by PATH Intl. credentialed professionals and centers that help participants across the globe reach their wellness, personal and professional goals through equine-assisted services. It is an honor to recognize the accomplishments of these awardees and shine a light on the meaningful impacts they each have in their communities.”
Do You Owe Arizona Taxes? Use Your AZ Tax Credit to Support Horses with Heart!
Horses with Heart is a qualifying charity in the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit Program. Tax credits are dollar-for-dollar cuts in your state tax liability: donate $938, for example, and you could cut your tax bill by $938. Under Arizona law, your dollar-for-dollar tax credit could be up to $470 for a single person, $938 for a married couple filing jointly in 2024. Be sure to consult your tax advisor to see how your HwH donation can benefit you.
Karen Richert
You will always find Karen near Barrel 2 at our Annual Have A Heart Open 4-D Barrel Race and Poles
Volunteer of the Month - Karen Richert
Karen has been a dedicated volunteer for over 20 years and has been the Assistant Head Coach on the Competition Team (formally known as Special Olympics) for most of that time. She is a die-hard, never gives up on anything or anyone. She is passionate about helping our riders to succeed and puts all her energy into whatever needs to be done.
Additionally, Karen is a wonderful photographer and puts her talents to use for many of our events including the annual Barrel Race fundraiser, Bowl-a-Thon and the Competition Team.
1. How long have you been with Horses with Heart? I’ve been with HwH since 2000, so January will be the start of my 25th year.
2. Why do I volunteer at HwH? What started as a way to spend time with horses has evolved into spending time with friends. I have spent 23 years with riders of various ability levels and have so many fantastic memories. Watching individuals overcome fears, strengthen their body, tease me just as much as I tease them, gain confidence to go out and share their talents with others as well as grow up before my eyes and go out into the world and make it a better place, has been the highlight of my “career” at HwH.
3. My favorite memory? That’s a tough one. After 24 years there are so many. Rather than single out one moment, I will say that I treasure the friendships I have made with fellow volunteers, riders and their families. Going out and doing things together, outside of the ranch setting, has made my time here so worthwhile. There has been much joy, laughter, and some frustrations during our shared time at the ranch. However, the times we share at community events, the theater, World Games and each other’s homes as well as tears of joy, times of sadness, loss of friends and family, illnesses and surgeries, graduations, weddings and holidays spent together, and praying for each other, are what I truly love about volunteering with HwH.
4. What would I share with new volunteers? I’m not an outgoing person and I don’t like crowds. However, if I had never put myself out there, if I hadn’t asked questions and joined the Board or made an effort to help out…I would not have some of the most amazing people in my life. I have been so blessed by “my riders”, their families, and other volunteers, that I almost feel that I am getting the better end of the deal. So, put yourself out there, jump in to help, join committees, whatever it is, and you will not be disappointed. Welcome to the beginning of some amazing adventures.
Competition Team Awards Ceremony
Coach Karen - Always watching and providing advice and guidance to our riders.
2025 Volunteer Orientation Schedule
We look forward to getting back into the swing of things at HwH, starting with Volunteer Orientations! These are required for ALL volunteers, both new and returning. SST training is required for volunteers who plan on helping our participants during their classes.
Returning Volunteers
February 14th: Orientation 3:30 – 4:30 PM
February 15th: Orientation 9:00 – 10:00 AM & Safety Support Team (SST) refresher 10:00 – 11:30 AM
New Volunteers
February 28th: Orientation 3:30 – 5:00 PM
March 1st: Orientation 9:00 – 10:30 AM & SST 101 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM
Blue Ribbon Moments
Horses with Heart has a volunteer appreciation program called Blue Ribbon Moments to recognize all the great day-to-day accomplishments of our volunteers. Nomination cards are located in the office, so when you see a fellow volunteer who is going above and beyond, please write down their name and a couple of sentences about what they have done, and drop it in the Blue Ribbon Moments container in the office. We will hold a drawing each week, and the winner receives a $5 gift card to Overflow Coffee in Chino Valley.
November 25th winner: Gloria Reid
December 2nd winner: Landry King
December 9th winner: Bill Arsenault
December 16th winner: Debi Covington
Calendar of Events
January 1st ~ Horses with Heart Office Closed, Happy New Year!
January 18th ~ Volunteer Appreciation Luncheon at Chino Valley Senior Center
February 14th ~ Returning Volunteer Orientation, 3:30 – 4:30 PM
February 15th ~ Returning Volunteer Orientation and SST Training, 9:00 – 10:00 AM and 10:00 – 11:30 AM respectively
February 22nd ~ Bowl-a-Thon, Antelope Lanes, Prescott Valley
February 28th ~ New Volunteer Orientation, 3:30 – 5:00 PM
March 1st ~ New Volunteer Orientation and SST Training, 9:00 – 10:30 AM and 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM respectively
March 1st ~ Horse Leader Training, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Where to Find HwH News?
HwH website
HwH Connection – published monthlyWranglr emails
for HwH volunteersSocial Happenings
HwH Friends https://www.facebook.com/groups/922295924909116