HwH Heroes on Horses West 2023 Competition Team - Kris Vollrath, Jackie Boyd, Pete Sanders, and Ron Bowen.

Heroes on Horses West 2023

Horses with Heart veterans participated in the second annual Heroes on Horses West 2023 on March 7th and 8th during the Sun Circuit show. Thank you to Bob and Ingrid Miller and the National Snaffle Bit Association Foundation for sponsoring this event honoring and celebrating our mounted and unmounted veterans.

The Veterans who rode to represent Horses with Heart were Ron Bowen, Jackie Boyd, Pete Sanders, and Kris Vollrath. We want to thank Kim McElroy for donating her time to coach these riders in preparation for this event.

HwH Veterans who marched in the Parade of Heroes were Bill Arsenault, Margaret Killian, Sandy Meadowcroft, and Jim Radley.

HwH at Heroes on Horses West 2023

National Anthem sung by Alan Jackson

Ron Bowen

Pete Sanders

To view the HwH’s Heroes on Horses West 2023 Gallery in its entirety, please CLICK HERE

Kris Vollrath

Jackie Boyd


Want to Help Send Our Riders to
Heroes on Horses West 2024?

(Source: NSBA)

National Snaffle Bit Association
Heroes on Horses West 2023

Veterans in PATH Int. Equine Services programs are invited to participate in the NSBA World Championship Show “Heroes on Horses West” competition.

  • Riders must be disabled veterans or active duty “wounded warriors”, who are participating in PATH Intl. Equine Services for Heroes programs, or have a Department of Veterans Affairs disability rating.

  • The individuals’ PATH facilities will be responsible for verifying the eligibility of riders participating in Equine Services for Heroes programs.

  • For Disabled Veterans who do not participate in a therapeutic riding program, please submit the Department of Veteran Affairs letter recording the dates of service, the Service-connected Disability Rating and the date it was awarded. Please black out all other personal information included in the letter, such as social security number and monthly award.

  • Horses are not required to be registered or owned by the rider or facility. If the veteran is unable to have a horse transported to Tulsa for the Heroes on Horses competition, several Therapeutic Riding Centers have offered to provide horses for those who need them.

  • A rider may not show in any youth, amateur or open categories while showing in the Equestrians With Disabilities classes. An exhibitor may show in only one of the Equestrians With Disabilities/Heroes On Horses categories; Independent or Supported. If a rider's condition deteriorates so that the rider can no longer ride as an independent rider, and now needs support, this must be documented by the physician and, if participating in a therapeutic riding program, the certified PATH instructor.

    WAY TO GO” Magazine 2023 - Heroes on Horses West Section

Kris Vollrath - 5th Place

Jackie Boyd - 7th Place

Pete Sanders - 8th Place

Ron Bowen - 10th Place